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Margaret Marshall, my story

Margaret Marshall was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML) in December 2007 at the age of 74.

I had always been healthy and had only had 4 days off work through illness in my working life. I was still working self-employed in November 2007, aged 74, when I suddenly started feeling breathless. Blood tests showed my red and white blood cell readings were low. Acute myeloid leukaemia was diagnosed in December 2007 and I had a total of 5 months of chemotherapy including Mylotarg in Level 10 BCH between December and August the next year. Thanks to the treatment in the Haematology Unit I am still in remission in 2013 and full of energy –able to walk in the mountains and on botanical expeditions, travel abroad, do a lot of voluntary work and help with 7 grandchildren – 3 born since my illness.

I realise I have been fortunate compared to many others who have not survived and am anxious to support Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI.

Margaret plans to spend her 80th birthday this year climbing Slieve Donard with her friends.