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Love Letters – Jennie Andrews

Jennie was a young mother of one daughter. Life was good and she had just celebrated the wonderful and amazing news that she was pregnant again. She was looking forward to welcoming a new born baby into the world.

But then tragedy struck, when after a series of tests and biopsies, Jennie was informed she had stage 3 lymphoma. This started a rollercoaster journey.

Every month in Northern Ireland 99 people are diagnosed with blood cancer. Thanks to scientists based right here in Belfast, funded by Leukaemia & Lymphoma NI, three out of four people in Northern Ireland diagnosed with blood cancer survive. But for that one in four there’s still work to be done.

We are hopeful that with your help, our researchers will one day find a cure for blood cancer.

If you would like to view Jennie’s touching Love Letter, addressed to a younger self, please visit our Facebook page.

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